Saturday, January 20, 2007 / 2:29 AM
AH!! It's just so funny that I wanted to share. Yah, it's the youtube craze. :X Sometimes, humorous lecturer really rocks, HUMOROUS and not nonsensical, got a mok mok at school is enough hahaha.
NTU lecturer commenting on past years' comments - ENJOY!
Labels: Side Dishes, Youtube
Friday, January 19, 2007 / 11:57 PM
Here is the real thing *
Yiippie* - A Closer Look at the
...and the
Iphone Tv Commercial *Slurps*
For the full specifications of Iphone visit
Iphone Official Website.
Hmm, doesn't touchscreen means that the screen will be filled with fingerprints? In that sense, the phone will be rather dirty unless you clean it constantly, and somemore it's seems quite big (3.5-inch widescreen display), you have to sms using touchscreen also, aren't most of us used to pressing keypad? Perhaps for those switching from ipod or pda will find it easier to adapt. I like phone with simplicity.
Labels: Iphone, Technology
Thursday, January 18, 2007 / 6:26 PM
Iphone - the latest innovation from Apple which combines Ipod, phone and internet.
Here: Iphone Commercial
Additional Side Dish *Slurps*
The Hole - video powered by MetacafeDuhh' Hahaha
Labels: Iphone, Side Dishes
Global Competitiveness Report 2006-2007, with Switzerland ranking first, and Singapore the
fifth, beating United States at the sixth position. This goes to show that you can never undermine the potential of Singapore, despite its' size. When I was travelling in Cambodia, I get to know this guy from Germany, he asked where I came from and I said Singapore. His reply (with hesitant):
'Hmm, OH! That country. A very clean country, huh?!' He has yet to visit Singapore and does not really know where Singapore is. I can't really blame him for not knowing Singapore as yet. In time to come, perhaps people living on the other half of the planet will go wow-ing at the achievements of Singapore. It took Singapore, merely 40 years, to climb from a 3rd-world to a First World Country. To ask, who has taken this baby seriously 40 years ago?
We have so much to offer here, despite the size (even smaller than Johor Bahru). We have the greatest discount when come to shopping (LV, Gucci, Mango etc), the most convenient public transport system, the upcoming Integrated Resorts (IR), and not to mention all sorts of entertainments. In complement to the upcoming Integrated Resorts in Sentosa, we have trains that leads to the Sentosa Island directly at a decent rate of $3 (back and forth) per pax. Well, as things might seem to be going very well, the pace might be getting too fast for some Singaporeans. Can Singaporeans cope with the pace that Singapore is moving, with the inflation rates and increment in GST? While our Government seems very aggressive in moving the country's economy, the people might have to suffer a little if we are not moving as aggressively as the Governemnt. The details of the welfare package that will help to offset the effect of increment of GST on consumer are going to be announced next month.
Las Vegas Sands is selected to build and operate the Marina Bay Integrated Resorts while Genting International is selected to build and operate Sentosa Casino and Resort, both planned to complete by year 2009 and are anticipated to change the face of tourism in the region. While Cambodia is trying to create the world 7th Wonder, Singapore is going to create the 8th Wonder. Is this like playing the SIMS City? Seeing the caption scrolling by the side of the television screen, reminds me of SIMS City by which they announced news in the same manner. So is the reality inspired by the game, or the game is an inspiration of reality? While playing the Government in SIMS City, we need to build wonders in order to attract other 'country's residents' to migrate into ours, this is happening right now isn't it (though it is not really on the migration part, it is more of pushing the country's economic)?
There is this
weird website, which consisted of the IR's pictures, looks very nice! We are small, but definitely we have a lot to show off.
So how do Singaporeans get use to the pace of Singapore?
Being Ignorant. They do not even know that Singapore is moving on so fast as compared to her neighbours. Without knowledge of how fast Singapore is moving, thus there is no need to get used to the pace.
Invest your Cash. Knowing that inflation is heading upwards, and things like properties and cars will get more expensive. Holding money in your hands is akin letting it to depreciate without knowing, so we spend our money in exchange for real assets eg. buying properties (buying properties is akin investment in Singapore), or buy securities, of course those who are smarter have already put their money with Genting P.L.C or you can always go for blue chips for steady earning. Just two days back ago, I overhead this conversation between a girl and a guy in my lecture room:
Guy: Hey are you into buying stocks?
Girl: Not really, do you?
Guy: Ya I do play a little.
Girl: Hey you know when is the best time to enter the market? It is when it's crashes.
Up to here, I almost want to laugh out hahaha! Market crash. Can anyone recall how hard life is the last time market crashes? Retrenchments and unemployments are hitting almost everyone near you, be it your family, relatives or friends. Do you think by then you really do have spare cash to invest in stocks? As usual, the stock market when crashes will bonuce back, it does seems to be the best time to enter the market,
in theory sense. In reality, regardless how much savings you have, I do not think that anyone in the right mind will buy stocks unless of course you are a millionaires with tons of money to try things out, for you will not be able to know how bad the economic is going to get and how long it is going to last.
Open more Income Streams. Regardless in good or bad times, you need to open up more income streams to in order to have financial securities. Passive income stream like writing or doing part time property/insurance/car agents also not bad, though just servicing your relatives and friends.
Sourcing Out for Bargains. Things, like shampoos, conditioner, cleanser, tampons etc etc, are selling in Chinatown is only like 50% of the price in Watsons, online shopping sometimes offers you more discount. And of course, cutting down on unnecessary expenditures will lessen the impact of increment of GST has for us. As the chinese sayings goes, the very wealthlty is a gift from God, and riches can be obtained through frugality.
Beware of Your Slient Spenders. Our slient spenders are usually our phone, internet, electricity. They are so part of our life and we just use them wilfully without realising, that the charges comes at the end of each month. We should always check our usage, especially on a whole (inclusive of our family), so as to appropriately choose the plan which suits us the best.
Singtel's latest promotion on
Generation Mio which combines residential and mobile phone line with Singnet broadband might seems ideal for Singtel's users, but do look carefully at the terms and conditions, due to complexity of the Mio Plan, you might need assistance from Singtel to elaborate and do the planning for you to cater your needs.
Starhub do, however, have the residential line to comes free with Maxonline. So take one which suits the family usage the best. Of course, there is no plan or alternative service providers for electricity users, and thus the best way to save bills, is not to waste electricity, turning off when not using. In this manner, you not only saves bills, at the same time, you are cutting down on global warming.
Global Warming is another pressing (long overdue) issue, so yet save money and at the same time, save this poor earth.
Move along with the flow.
Labels: Economics, Money Management, Singapore
Wednesday, January 17, 2007 / 11:04 PM
For those who missed it (refer to my previous post on
Venturing into Visual Arts), Victor Tan the gifted sculptor, offers a celebration of life, movement, the human form and freedom to experience in a site of contemplation.

Of course I have no idea how he did it, they look nice anyway. See how the kids are reaching for the adult, I think that's the Papa. Most of the sculptures are kids, perhaps kids signify a celebration of life. From love-making to having kids, it's amazing sometimes, to think of how love can be transformed into a physical form, with laughters and tears.

Uh what? Is the Papa trying to tell a story to impress the kids? The sculptures are really nice, and moreover it's free! Wooo, this should gives students more inspiration when doing their artworks. Draw inspiration from little things around you.
My High-Tea.

My High Tea with Toh at Ding Tai Feng.. Nothing special, both of us are full and yet feel like eating so yah.. order a big serving of Xiao Long Bao cos' I love it *slurps*, hey what's with sesame and spinach, it tastes absolutely delicious!! The fried rice is okay, not the pork. Hmm, a filling and delicious High Tea can definitely be satisfactory! Yummy.
Labels: Arts, Food, Leisure
Tuesday, January 16, 2007 / 11:08 PM
Uh.. I have no idea how Tammi gets to be on W
ikipedia and of course top 5 of technorati's search. It's almost one year and yet it seems like people dont forget. Is it something like a one year cycle, when everything seems to be blown over, then it is time that the topic gets hot again?
Of course, she is not the only one who suffered this fate.. and to think that Wikipedia is so considerate as to provide a
sex scandal category.
-Paris Hilton's on
Take care of your phone. We never know who will be the next victim.
Labels: Side Dishes, X Scandal
Monday, January 15, 2007 / 12:40 AM
Sri Mariamman Temple is the oldest Hindu Temple in Singapore. Hinduism is the religious belief and practices of vast majority in India. Sri Mariamman Temple is also quite popular in South India, Mariamman is a rain goddess. This temple was built in 1827 along South Bridge Road, you can always take a train and alight at Chinatown train station. It was renovated in 1930s, now still looking glam and new.
Read More.Labels: Hinduism, Places of Worship
Wednesday, January 10, 2007 / 1:30 PM
To Miss Gold:
曾几何时,我带着丧痛离开。如今,在你的面前已没有过去的丧痛,仿佛从没有过不愉快,眼里心里只有开心的画面。最开心的是,我们又拥有了‘又一次’。还记得吗?那不可思议的相识,在那烂漫的夜晚,我们发现了在这地球上竟有如此了解自己的人, 这般非议所思的默契把我们俩的友谊考得紧紧的,如今仍历历在目。从相识到相知,我们也一同经历了不少,一起成长,有欢笑有泪水。从相知到相惜,一路走来有多少酸甜苦辣,只有我们才能深刻的体会。
Technorati Profile
Tuesday, January 09, 2007 / 7:43 PM
Took these when I was on my way to school, the flats, railway, train, bus, shophouses, terrace houses and of course the clear blue sky. I realised something from the pictures, there are rarely someone in my pictures!! Woooo, is everyone busy?

Light Railway Train?!

SMART Buses. Belonged to TH.
Singapore Post Office. At somewhere really inconvenient, unless you drive.

On the Flyover. Reaching Schoool.

I am early for the lecture. Wooohooo!!
Labels: Side Dishes
Monday, January 08, 2007 / 7:27 PM
When Will You Have Enough Of MAHJONG? I have been playing so much that I am dreaming of Mahjong!!! It is a 'HU WU TAI' (Game at Limit). Hahaha
It’s one of the Singaporean’s favorite indoor sports. What is so fascinating about Mahjong?
Mahjong is a game which institutes luck and skills, whereby lucks really play a big part, and if you have skills and alert enough, you lose less when luck is down. It’s so fascinating how the little tiles can manipulate the game when all players are fighting to ‘HU’ (game) the round. The excitement of waiting to ‘胡五台’ (game at limit) always linger even after the game, and all the decision making of which tiles to discard/wait-to-game to increase your chances of winning, and to manipulate the thinking of the players who might just be unlucky enough to give you the winning tiles. Hahaha
It is also a form of socializing art where you play with other 3 players, you can catch up, chat and gossip while playing Mahjong. Perhaps the best part about Mahjong other than winning is to be able to enjoy the time spent with the Kakis (players), soaking yourself in a time of laughter, fun and of course, winning. Well, definitely winning should be a by-product of the game, to enjoy playing with the players is very important.
Mahjong is a game that you are expected to spend a several hours with the other players, so definitely you have to enjoy their companionship as well. It is also at the game of Mahjong, we can see the gaming characteristics of the Kakis pretty well too, how they react when they are winning/losing etc. Well, I have seen a few, the nervous one, the proud one, the black-faced, the aloof, the friendly, the crappy and the poker face of course.
About 1 month ago, I played Mahjong with this guy and he is listening to his MP3 (all the time) while playing Mahjong, totally isolating himself from socializing with others. (What’s the fish in his mind?!!) I personally felt that it was VERY rude of him to do so; one of the worst case scenarios is to play with a person whom gives black face while playing as though people owe him $1 million. Why should the other 3 players tolerate this kind of face when they supposedly should be enjoying the game? Perhaps to him, Mahjong is Mahjong, just a game played to win, regardless of how others are feeling. HELLO, we are not in a Mahjong tournament now. Yes, I greatly disliked this kind of Kakis who takes his feelings above all, talking about showing your true colours is good, and held no regards for other players who are in the same game too – that’s plain selfishness. His defense: Well, I am listening to the music, doing the things that I enjoyed, what's wrong? Obviously, there is nothing wrong with that since ONLY HIS FEELINGS MATTER. Hence, it becomes a crucial decision to make when comes to the selection of Kakis, some people should only appear in the Mahjong tournament, not when you want to enjoy a game of Mahjong.
I love playing Mahjong with people with good gaming characteristics, and who will take other players’ feelings into consideration as well. Mahjong, overall, is a game of socializing art. Mahjong Mahjong, I am so enticed with you. Nice song by Fish Leong !!
Labels: Side Dishes