Monday, April 30, 2007 / 3:47 PM
Taking from your birthdate -
26/8/1985 -> 2 + 6 = 8
28/8/1985 -> 2 + 8 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1
So what is your number?
3rd: Number 8They will resigned to fate that they have to take on hardship with their husband. Refused to be disappointed with destiny, and continue to fight hard. Believe that they will be able to overcome any difficulties that comes along the way.
2nd: Number 9Number 9 person believe in working hard together with the husband, hand in hand creating a better future. Always believe in the capability of the husband and very supportive.
1st: Number 5People with high adaptability. They are able to change and switch roles as circumstances required. If their husbands are rich, they can be tai-tais, otherwise, they will also be able endure any hardship that comes along the way.
(Others, is not that they will abandon their husbands if they are out and down. Just that they will make sure that they select a capable man in the first place.)
Labels: Numerology
Friday, April 27, 2007 / 9:59 AM
People who will rebel when their other half interferes too much:-
Taking from your birthdate -
26/8/1985 -> 2 + 6 = 8
28/8/1985 -> 2 + 8 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1
So what is your number?
3rd: Number 2To these people, TRUST is a big issue, by interfering too much is telling them that you do not trust them. They have a self-restraint character that will not allow themselves to side track, hence they resent any form of interference. In retaliation they will protest in silence and keep everything to themselves.
2nd: Number 1Number 1 person is the typical rebellious kid. To rebel is in their nature, especially when they are being restrained. The more you forbid them to do something, the more they will do it, it is just like a form of demonstration to you that they are not
restrainable. You can either reason with them or join in the fun.
1st: Number 9Ah! No doubt they are the first. Number 9 person will ENJOY the attention which is showered upon them. The more you interfere, the more they will rebel. To them, your interference is a form of care and concern, and they are suckers for it. So as to get your attention, they will rebel if it is a way to have your love and concern!
Labels: Numerology
Thursday, April 26, 2007 / 11:29 PM
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 / 11:46 PM
Writing is really a good form of exercise - Capture your random thoughts. I am SICK. Fever, sorethroat and VERY painful headache. It must be the rain, I was caught in the rain on my way home.
Carol and Me
All teethy.
Hey, we do have nice teeths right? In the study of face reading, it is very crucial to have nice teeths haha. And her eyes are hugee.. (looks like sunny side up to me sometimes hahaha).
Carol and I took this picture when we were at Hereen. I don't understand why she is still calling me Yun (you don't have to know the origin), but I kind of resigned to fate that I am stuck with it till one day she is sick of calling me that. Time really flies, and she has been calling me Yun for 10 freaking years. How did ten years just shoo pass without us really counting and knowing? *Snore* I am glad that she still loves me hahaha. We have been mugging for these few days at mac, and now I think mac food seems rather scary to me!
Boooo! It's just craziness. Sometimes, I do get myself on my nerves. It is all about knowing so much and too much, worse, i just can't treat it as a piece of rubbish information - processed and shit out.
Booo. It is really nothing to do with intelligence or how clever you are. Wisdom, maybe. Just have an willing heart to learn, you learn more. It's like 'read more and know more'.
I am just not clever enough to swallow whatever I know or learnt. It is just so much information overflowing and somehow dictate my thoughts and actions.
Booo at myself. I think some people might have experience this before, that you are slowly converting to what you
know (not necessarily beliefs). It's scary, and by the time you realised, *dang* it's over and you have done it. Craziness. Or maybe there is just another person living within me, somewhat familiar and strange connections whereby I am able to approve and let it be when things are happening, while on the other hand, you never get to know what actually happened until it is over. Or, might be a better idea to know less.
I am a dumb lass.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007 / 2:53 PM
好想捂住耳朵 不想不看不想聽誰說
好想蹲在角落 把譴責的眼光都躲過
像個黑色漩渦 將我吞沒
我承認這都是我 感情事處理得不妥
從不說 我愛你 那麼多
It's just exams and rainy days.
I love Myself.
Sunday, April 22, 2007 / 7:54 PM
From the forum:
Labels: 星座
It's true.
Labels: Mylife
Saturday, April 21, 2007 / 10:37 PM
On a side note:
I came across two blogposts on Geminians, which I personally find it rather accurate! Both websites are in chinese, so don't bother if you can't read chinese.
Labels: 领悟
Friday, April 20, 2007 / 12:30 PM
Taking from your birthdate -
26/8/1985 -> 2 + 6 = 8
28/8/1985 -> 2 + 8 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1
So what is your number?
3. Number 4
These group of people feel that taking good care of the children is their God-given duty. They understand the importance of childhood is to a kid (towards a bright future) and will be very enthusiastic when come to planning the growth of their kids. By this, they would have sometimes forget the existence of the other half!
2. Number 8
For them, it is as though the kid is a new hope and a new direction in their lives. And, a number 8 person will tend to be a little possessive and like to take things in his own hands.
eg, your wife might be teaching your kids, you decided to interrupt and take over because you feel that your method is more efficient. By this, they would have sometimes forget the existence of the other half!
1. Number 7
Wooo... They just want to spend time ALONE with the kids! Number 7 cares a lot about communicating in a spiritual level, and feel the need to have some time alone with the kids. Deep within them, they hoped that the kids will be a replicate of themselves. By this, they would have sometimes forget the existence of the other half!
Labels: Numerology
Wednesday, April 18, 2007 / 6:05 PM
时间或许是最好的良药。但我们也得给自己一个宽限期,让自己的心,即使还在受伤,也要懂得如何去开心。否则,时间也许,是你最可怕的噩梦。纠缠不清 - 我在想,有些人就是要纠缠不清才能够过日子。纠缠不清,就好像是把连续剧里的情节给搬演出来。观众都在电视机前,叹着气摇着头,但天天必有人都在上演这个戏码。是犹豫不决,是藕断丝连,还是剪不断,理还乱的纠缠着?
且勿把悲伤当成一个伤害自己或别人的理由。因为伤悲的犯下的错,是愚昧即不会被谅解的。人生苦短,岁月匆匆,别伤心太久了!Labels: Problem Solving, Relationships, Working on Your Subconscious, 领悟
Monday, April 16, 2007 / 12:20 AM
要懂得认为首要。正所谓认得,要先认才有得。认知以后,还要懂得如何去追求。倘若,你已认定目标,就该逐步地向目标前进,切勿守株待兔。缘份 - 就是把两个分开的人(= 份)结合在一起,称之为缘。无论是漫长的等待或是快速的追逐,胜利的是能够相识相知相惜直到白头的我们。
Sunday, April 15, 2007 / 1:05 PM
This is a short one
Taking from your birthdate -
26/8/1985 -> 2 + 6 = 8
28/8/1985 -> 2 + 8 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1
So what is your number?
3rd: Number 1Number 1 person always feel that they are different from the rest of their fellow mates, as though they are a natural born leader. To them, only your ability matters. How well you manage yourself, your career and your problem-solving skills is the yardstick they hold in their heart. Looks do not matters at all!
2nd: Number 3Number 3 person are usually quite artistic, or rather they know how to appreciate beautiful things. They usually admire people who are talented, be it singing, drawing or even the art of persuasion. Looks do not matters at all!
1st: Number 2Number 2 person are like kids that never grow up, and usually hold a naive perspective towards this world. They need people who are devoted to them 101%, know how to take good care of them and give them tons of security. Looks do not matters at all!
Labels: Numerology
Friday, April 13, 2007 / 11:57 PM
也许,是感触的共鸣,或是回忆的宣泄。听了这么多遍,还是这么爱听。孙燕姿 - 我怀念的。
如何,才算是完美?在每个人的心中,必定有他完美的指标。你的指标是否实在?对与很多事,我都会用一种‘欣赏’的角度去看待。因为,很明白,刻意的寻找完美是不切实际的。即使不完美,也是一种美 - ‘缺陷美’。有时,人与人之间保持的距离 - 那是一种‘距离美’。甚至两个人默默无言,能感受着对方的气息,也是一种美。人,要懂得随遇而安,随遇而安更是一种难能可贵的美。
还要感恩的事,会更多。Labels: Self development, 领悟
每一天,我都在从新的了解自己。回想种种经历,自己的感受,所作所为,反应,甚至事物的理念与价值观。今天的我,认为原则并不是重点。大多人,都为自己立下了一些条规,来捍卫自己的价值观与自尊 - 他们称这些条规为‘原则’,它们逐渐变成了一条条不成名的条文刻在人心里的石碑上,时时刻刻提醒自己的‘原则’究竟有多重要,仿佛神圣而不可侵犯。
对我而言,那是一条又一条步不成章的执著,一条又一条让人不开心的理由。做人,就是要放宽自己的心情。所谓‘原则’,就是原来的条则。你记得几年前,令你痛心甚至流泪的事吗?在那个时候,你立下了条规,答应自己,不会再犯同样的错 - 那是你的原则。
不再执著,是在宽容自己。Labels: Self development, 领悟
Thursday, April 12, 2007 / 11:29 AM
射手 - (疑惑中)
爸爸: zzzz
哈哈哈哈!!Labels: Humor
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 / 7:14 PM
I read this from another blog:
世界上最远的距离 世界上最远的距离
不是 生与死的距离
而是 我站在你面前 你不知道我爱你
不是 我站在你面前 你不知道我爱你
而是 爱到痴迷 却不能说我爱你
不是 我不能说我爱你
而是 想你痛彻心脾 却只能深埋心底
不是 我不能说我想你
而是 彼此相爱 却不能够在一起
不是 彼此相爱 却不能够在一起
而是 明知道真爱无敌 却装作毫不在意下次再爱,非得找个很爱很爱我的人。:D
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Labels: Money Making
Tuesday, April 10, 2007 / 11:53 AM
Have you guys do things that you ever regret (discounting all those childhood mistakes you made)?
Regret - is to be sad and remorseful of undesirable something that happened, because of your decision or your not-deciding. It could also be followed by a trait of a sense of loss and disappointment.
For me, I am
trying to make sure that each step I take, I do not regret. Yes, sometimes, the decision you make might not be correct, and that does not necessarily means it will lead to regret. At each point of time, when I am making decision, I take it to heart that the results might not be what I desired. Hence, I will think about the possibilities of events with the decision I make, and usually I will come up with a worst case scenario (please do not be too optimistic when come to thinking of a worst care scenario) and asked if I still want to carry on with my decision if it eventually leads to the happening of the worst. Only when the answer is yes, then I will go ahead.
I guess, this principle has becoming much like a common sense to me since I exercise it so often, even when it comes to things like if I were to meet a friend. Yah, it sounds nonsensical. I just do not want to regret
any decision that I make.
It could be a wasted trip, I might have just spend the energy and time on something better. I might not want to stay out late etc.
When it comes to something bigger, like taking on a job or if to be/breakup with someone, it would be even wiser to use this
'common sense'. And after so used to using it, you tend to make each decision with a cushion in case the worst did happened. It's like, you make it to a habit of thought through each decision with care, which minimized your chance of regreting.
Each day, is a brand new day. If there is ever any regrets in your life, it is not happening again. We all do learn from lessons right? = )
Brave on!
Labels: Emotional Control
Saturday, April 07, 2007 / 11:23 AM
Talking about having daily dosage.
How many times have you heard your friends saying that Coffee is bad, Caffeine is bad for your health?
How many times when you ask them how harmful is Caffeine, you find them scrambling for words to convince you?
I love Coffee. I guess I become addicted to it without me knowing, with Coffee Bean, Starbucks and various coffee houses spouting. The aroma of Coffee just put a smile on my face - and this is not exaggerating, I simply
love it.
Bribe me with a cup of Vanilla Latte.
Caffeine is found in plants like coffee, tea and cocoa (
minimal). It is also found in numerous plants - a naturally
occurring complex
organic, where by it acts as a natural pesticide that
paralyzes and kills certain insects feeding on them.
Tea usually have half as much caffeine as coffee, mostly back or
oolong tea. And to my surprise,
green tea, those we have in Japanese
restaurant contains caffeine too. I always thought only black tea have caffeine. (
Chocolate also contain caffeine, but worry not, it's very minimum. That's why some people can get hook to chocolate too, if consumed in excess.
Consumption of caffeine does not eliminate the need for
sleep; it only temporarily reduces the sensation of being tired - with this, it increase the capacity for mental or physical labor. Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant. In moderate doses, caffeine can:
- increase alertness
- cause insomnia
- cause headaches, nervousness and dizziness
In large amounts, especially over extended periods of time, caffeine can lead to a condition known as 'caffeine-ism', causing physical and mental conditions including nervousness, irritability, anxiety (anxiety disorder), muscle twitching, insomnia (sleeping disorder), headaches and heart palpitations.
It will take about 6-8 hours for our body (young adults) to eliminate the caffeine consume, 18-22 hours for pregnant woman.
1 cup of coffee usually contained 135mg of caffeine, and to develop an reliance on coffee;overuse - we have to consume 400mg or more caffeine everyday. Long term drinking of coffee will reduce our caffeine sensitivity towards it, thus will subconsciously wanting to drink more. It acts like a drug within our body, making us to want more of it. As we grow older, our body might not be able to effectively eliminate the effect of caffeine or find the dosage satisfactory.
A friend even link the love for coffee with the love for sex - how you feel/think about coffee is akin your perspective towards sex. I find it amusing. Haha.. and yah, I stil love coffee and have not prepared to call it quit.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007 / 4:41 PM
Are you those who will be amazed by the works the nature?
rainforest, waterfalls, bright sunshine and the misty mountain with spring water. It is kind of hard to explain the excitement with just the thought of being there, getting so close to the nature.
Vythiri is my
current dream travel destination!
Hehehe it is a city in Southern India.
LOLVythiri is one of the most beautiful hill stations at the northeastern tip of Indian state of
Kerala's Wayanad district. The place is famous for its lush green sprawling
plantation of coffee, tea, pepper and rubber. The misty hills with full of lush green vegetation provide a breathtaking view to its visitors. The fresh and pristine breeze laden with the fragrance of nature soothes and refreshes your mind and soul - (from
Okay, the thing that really attracts me the most is the unique Tree Houses!
Vythiri hill resort in the heart of the forests of Wayanad. These wooden lodges are about 90 ft on trees in the evergreen forests of Kerela, these houses brings you closer to the pleasant natural environment of tropical. Imagine waking up to the chirping of birds and exotic smell of nature. I wonder how's the view up there, imagine the moon light shines onto your bed, you are so near so near to the nature. Best, if you are there with your loved ones, embrace the nature in each other arms!
Or..go to UK Carley Mill to visit their rose and lavender farm also not bad. Immense yourself in the scent of the nature! Weee..
Labels: Travelling, Vythiri
This is such a surprise!
This blogskin is such a surprise, I never thought that I will go for colour like this (really really!!). I always like it
plain and simple. Qing says that my blog is so white and plain, and I actually thought that it is nice to be white and plain. I am not by nature someone who is fanciful, and I thought it is quite soothing; just like reading newspaper, hahaha!
I am sooo boring haha.
Monday, April 02, 2007 / 11:21 AM
Woo.. last night, I stand up and walk out to the living room and dial her number and the voicemail was talking. As usual, I called again immediately and then it was engaged. Next, my phone is ringing. She called!! (without knowing that I was calling her)
Wooo.. is our brain signal to each other so strong that we called each other at the same time, the very minute or even the very second? I woke up, and are still amazed by what happened last night. Just in case, you think this kind of scenario is nothing uncommon, think again, if it happens more than a few times with the same person. Be amazed by the works of the unseen.
Could anyone just 'Missing-in-Action' (MIA) from your life without any rhyme or reason? (with reference to
Qing's blog
No. No one can just MIA from your life without any reason, though the reason might not have anything to do with you. I am almost certain that everyone experience this before, be it you are the one who cut others off ('cutter') or being cut off ('the cut'). The reason behind him/her MIA-
ing is not really important, as for whatever reason that propel it from happening, it has already happened. My best advice is that, if you are the person who got cut off, do not brood over why this person just MIA from your life (even after some effort to get this person back), and to your amazement, the 'cutter' might not even realised that he/she has already cut you off. Looking from two different angles, the 'cutter' might cut you off deliberately or unintentionally, but you will never know unless he tells you.
The best for 'the cut' to do is not to place unnecessarily assumptions on what has propel this to happen, when you do not care too much, things are easier to handle.
1. Focus on what You Have to DoBe it studies or meeting your sales target. Set your priorities right, and don't waste time thinking of the unnecessary. You can think for the whole day and waste your life away bit by bit, and the situation remains. Don't waste your energy.
This is like first principle to follow whenever something hits you, focus on what you have to do. Do not let another person's action determine your mood and thwart your plans.
2. Taking on an Initiative RoleSo, the person just cut you off and despite all the reasoning going on in your head, you just couldn't figure out why would he/she want to do that. You can contact him/her, hunt the person down and ask him/her the big WHY. It seems as though you are overdoing it, looking it from another perspective, the cutter might be the one who is overdoing it in the first place by cutting you off. Confrontation might seems scary and too much to stomach at times, don't be frightened by the thought of confrontation and the consequences that follows. You are merely asking for an answer.
To take on this approach, you must be someone who is not willing to take evasion as an answer, which is good in my opinion. At least, you have an idea of what's going on, be it good or bad.
3. Patience - the Passive RoleOkay, you can't take confrontation face to face, it's alright. The lest you should have is patience. Wait for the person to contact you on his/her own accord. Please do not think that by waiting, the person actually have an edge over you. In the first place, when the cutter cut u off, you
cared and pondered about what has happened and this, already shows that the person have an edge over you. It doesn't matter in this age, who has an edge over who. If this is a sincere relationship, does it matter who has an edge over who? And if this is not a sincere relationship in the first place, do you think anything really matters at all?
And, anyway, by waiting, the cutter would not have know how much you cared. The key is that, please do not wait in misery. You are just merely waiting for something that might have a conclusion, so wait till it is concluded, you should have be waiting for it in misery.
Man is generally quite forgetful, I really do not think that who is able to ignore who forever, of course unless, their paths do not cross again.
Usually I would have encouraged 'the cut' to contact the 'cutter', as you might not know the real reason behind him/her being MIA, and definitely by guessing, you are seldom or never right. They could have just gone missing because they are going through a rough patch, putting themselves in isolation. Of course, they could have gone missing simply because you are a pest. So do try to find out reasons behind his/her action, that's a basic concern for people around you. Here, if the cutter still refused to contact you, then just let things be. If everything else fails, always remember that time can take care of it.
If only
one person went missing in your life, most probably the problem lies with the cutter. Otherwise, you need to do some self-reflections. Heehee :D
Labels: Problem Solving, Relationships
Sunday, April 01, 2007 / 9:04 PM
I went to wake last sunday, the sun is..scorching and the sea is very salty and filling *Burps*. I managed to stand up for quite awhile, the coach is rather impatient though. Just both of us, VERY LOVING HOR! Heehehee. Envy not. My nose is peeling, my freckles are showing (is there anything worse than this?!) and I am a tone darker. Savee my freckles from my face, I am sure they are sick of my face as much as I am sick of them~
Again, and again, I feel that I have so much to learn (apart from upcoming exams), it seems that each week, I learnt something new. Again, and again, I am humbled.
I wondered what's with these few months, did the movements of stars affect the environment and people around us? Everyone around me seems to be a little different, as though each of us went through a lesson of life.. in a span of two months? and caused the significant change subtly.
And yah, one day, when I obtained the Master of Astronomy then perhaps I am able to provide an insight and also to satisfy my curiosity. hahaa.. :D
Labels: Mylife